About me
Casey is the Director of Financial Aid Operations at Chattahoochee Technical College where she oversees all day-to-day operations of financial aid at the college. She has been in the financial aid department at Chatt Tech for over 10 years with her primary focus initially being state aid. She currently serves on the 2024/2025 GASFAA Executive Board as Treasurer-Elect, was the GASFAA Secretary 2023/2024 and was co-chair of the GASFAA Spring conference for 2 years. In the past, Casey has served GASFAA by participating in the Diversity, Technology, and Site Selection committees. She has presented at GASFAA conferences and workshops and strives to promote GASFAA as a valuable resource for training and staff development.
Casey is currently NASFAA FAAC® certified and holds numerous NASFAA individual credentials. She has a Master's of Education in Mathematics from University of North Georgia and a Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics from Shorter University.