About me
Joan Bailey is the Director at University of South Florida’s - Health Office of Financial Aid and works primarily with Graduate and Professional students. Joan journeyed into the world of financial aid in 1996 as a graduate student assistant in the Office of Financial Aid at University of South Florida (USF). Joan held numerous positions at USF. She left USF for a brief stint at St. Petersburg College in May of 2010 and returned to USF 5 years later to work at USF Health.
She has been active on state and regional financial aid association boards. As of July 1, 2024, Joan began her term as the President Elect for SASFAA. Joan has also served as SASFAA’s Site Selection Chair for 4 years. Joan is also a Past President of FASFAA and a Past Vice President of FASFAA & SASFAA. She has chaired as well as served on several committees and task forces with FASFAA, SASFAA and NASFAA. She served most recently as NASFAA’s Graduate & Professional Caucus Chair 2021-2023. Joan is currently serving on the NASFAA Under Resourced Schools Scholarship Task Force as well as the Graduate/Professional Borrowing Thought Force. She is also serving as a NASFAA board observer, representing SASFAA. Joan has been a frequent presenter at FASFAA, SASFAA, NASFAA and AAMC conferences.
Joan is a strong proponent of association involvement to mentor and guide the development of other financial aid professionals. She is married and has an adult daughter who also works in Higher Ed. Joan and her husband are enjoying being empty nesters.