Navigating financial aid challenges in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Hurricane Helene disrupted the lives of countless students and staff, but it also showcased the resilience and adaptability of financial aid offices in the face of adversity. This session will share key lessons learned during and after the hurricane, focusing on how financial aid offices can thrive and effectively support their campuses and student populations during disaster declarations. Topics will include emergency funding strategies, student support initiatives, assessing staff needs, effective communication methods under challenging conditions, and what to expect both short and long-term as the campus returns to normal.
“During the COVID-19 pandemic, a mass exodus of financial aid professionals left colleges facing unprecedented staff shortages. A 2022 NASFAA survey found that 80 percent of institutions' financial aid offices were concerned about their ability to remain “administratively capable” due to staffing issues.” – Inside Higher Ed, 5/31/24
Leaning on experiences and examples from a few of your esteemed colleagues, this will be a moderated town-hall aimed at exploring not just the problem, but the solutions and adjustments necessary to move forward. How can we best operate during a staffing shortage without severely decreased morale among the employees still present? How do we combat the potential for extended shortages? How will we better position our office to weather future iterations of this same challenge? Crises often illicit a fight or flight response. Venting may be cathartic and even necessary when faced with these challenges, but it is a form of flight. Join your colleagues for this session if you are ready to fight through the challenge and emerge stronger on the other side.
Director of Financial Aid, Pearl River Community College
Jaime Missimer is the Director of Financial Aid at Pearl River Community College in Poplarville, Mississippi, where she brings almost a decade of experience in financial aid, alongside additional years in various roles within higher education. Jaime currently serves as President-Elect... Read More →
Associate Vice President for Student Financial Services, Converse University
I am the Associate Vice President for Student Financial Services at Converse University. I have worked in higher education since 1994 in student financial aid.
Assistant Vice President of Financial Aid & Scholarships, Coastal Carolina University
Dr. Samantha Hicks is currently serving as the Assistant Vice President of Financial Aid & Scholarships at Coastal Carolina University. She is in her fifteenth year working in Financial Aid full-time at CCU. Her own personal experience as a low-income student and a work-study... Read More →
Tuesday February 18, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Think Tank
Discover how to create financial wellness programs at your institution. This session will provide actionable strategies for gaining institutional support and securing donor funding. Learn from firsthand experiences to develop a program that enhances student financial health and well-being.
Director of Financial Aid, Jacksonville State University
Charlotte Cole is currently the Director of Financial Aid at Jacksonville State. Prior to her role at JSU, she began her career in financial aid at the University of West Georgia. She is an active member of AASFAA and SASFAA, presenting frequently on student-focused compliance initiatives... Read More →
Assistant Director of Financial Wellness & Default Management, Jacksonville State University
Auburn Taylor is the Assistant Director of Default Management & Financial Wellness at Jacksonville State University. Since assuming her role in January 2023, Auburn has spearheaded the development of the Family Savings Financial Wellness program. Auburn holds a bachelor's degree in... Read More →
Tuesday February 18, 2025 4:15pm - 5:15pm EST
Think Tank